Starting with early school is a significant milestone in a child’s life. However, it can also be a challenging experience. For many children, leaving the comfort of their home and parents to spend...
Reading activities for school going children is an important aspect in today’s era of Kindle and online surfing. Reading activities for kids like picking up a story book or consulting a text book...
Usefulness of music lessons in primary schools Music education is far more than just learning to play an instrument; it is a powerful tool for a well-rounded education. There are several benefits of...
Engaging students to differentiate between Needs Vs Greed As educators, we understand the importance of financial literacy for students. It plays a vital role in shaping their minds. Schools have a responsibility to...
2 ‘Ps’ techniques to master public speaking skills for children: Preparation and Practice. Did you know many children feel apprehensive about raising their hands in class, even when they know the answers? This...
“A parent’s love is the foundation on which a child’s future world is built.” And the best way to make children good is to make them “Happy”. What is parenting? It’s important to...
“If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is...
A little child that evokes feelings can melt the heart. Does it come naturally to children, or do they need to be taught? Just as a gardener tends to a delicate flower, nurturing...
Parents today have high expectations from schools. They want their children to not just excel academically but also to become well-rounded individuals. Students, too, have their own aspirations. They want to learn at their...
When it comes to teaching and learning, the physical environment and space matters. It is a critical factor that promotes and supports student learning. A classroom is more than just four walls; it’s a...
Welcome to Our Library – A Walkthrough in TSUS at North Bengaluru DEAR PROGRAM/ READING CORNER/ CLASSROOM LIBRARY Reading books transports us into a magical world. For children it can be an exhilarating experience....