Understanding the program design for TSUS students in 2024

The Curriculum and Pedagogical approach at the Shri Ram Universal School is “Child Centric” and aligns well with NEP 2020. The entire teaching learning program and the design for school children has taken a 360-degree turn to suit new trends of learning. Interactive learning is a key area of focus and the students are engaged and inspired constantly. Visual elements and games hold immense potential alongside Auditory and Tactile approaches that enable higher aptitude conceptually. Experiential Learning brings in additional colour to the Factual information. Children are motivated to comprehend, connect, correlate analyse and synthesise information actively., Zen spaces and Open space Learning adds colour to every learning experience leaving behind the scope for extended learning.
The Shri Ram Universal School brings finer elements of Learning arena using the best practices in the real time learning consciously. It assists in capturing their focus and keeping them engaged. The interactive program for school students on our campus is child-centric.
Children are engaged and inspired throughout the Teaching Learning sessions using the Modules of progressive curriculum. All the activities are well captured with specific objectives of student engagements and Learning outcomes
- Projects based teaming r. Real-world activities bring them closer to skills and communication with each other. Arts and technology also add meaning with visual representation.
- Outdoor activities in the campus like sports, music, Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts Athletics, swimming, skating, Taekwondo, Tennis, Cricket, Football, Basketball, etc and gardening, also keep the children active and brings in the Joyful Learning Trend every Day..
The Shri Ram Universal School we constantly focus on bringing in the Best Practices to create a special edge and hence continuously upgrade all pedagogical approaches To understand the power of our teaching-learning pedagogy, we welcome you to visit the campus.