Should schools collaborate and work together in Parenting Styles?

“A parent’s love is the foundation on which a child’s future world is built.” And the best way to make children good is to make them “Happy”.
What is parenting?
It’s important to resonate with the word Parenting, Parenting style to assimilate a combination of altitudes, practices and emotional binding that parents create while working with their children. It’s a pattern of behavior and the combinations of several behavior trends that impact the children directly or indirectly.

A parent’s love is the foundation on which a child’s future World is built
Most often we observe several ways with approaches to the parenting trends – this clearly refers to how parents, interact, Communicate and respond to the child while they are in social groups or in public places.
The style of parenting in urban and rural areas see a vast difference too.
Although categorically we can refer to multiple styles of parenting-such as authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and uninvolved.
Most often traditional parenting is value based Parenting –binding children to the duties.
It is important to define and prioritize choices of consequences while opting for any style and it is essential to loving in effective parenting.
To be precise successful parenting style requires an amalgamation of multiple styles of parenting and the same to be based on the changing needs of the child or situation.

Best way to make children good is to make them “Happy”
Positive parenting or successful parenting style can inspire and motivate children to develop a wide range, positive skills and behavioral trends, that nurture a self-control, empathy, sensitivity and self-reliance.
Hence it is important to evolve several tips and tricks to good habits and thus ensure a “healthy and positive parenting “that will nurture strength and confidence in children.
Positive parenting is to be encouraging, be responsive, set clear boundaries and be interactive and set examples at all times.
Let the joy of parenting continue!